Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Courgette and chocolate muffins

Courgette and chocolate muffins

Prep & cooking time 1 hour

These are lovely and chocolaty you would never guess they have courgette in them.  I put a good quality cocoa powder in mine and they are quite fudgey too.  Like almost all of my baking and cooking I make these with my daughter.  She helps me grate the courgette so it´s no secret to her the ingredients and yet she never normally eats courgette. I take the skin off the courgette so there are no ¨green bits¨, but you can leave it on if you wish.  Courgette has no strong flavour it helps to make the cakes lovely and moist. My daughter and husband love these and my neighbours!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pastissos de Pastanaga

20  MINS

Aquests són perfectes per congelar


  • 175 g de sucre moreno
  • 100 g de farina integral
  • 100 g de farina blanca
  • 200g (mig paquet) de llevat en pols
  • 1 culleradeta de bicarbonat de soda
  • 2 culleradetes d'espècies barrejades
  • ratlladura d'1 taronja
  • 2 ous
  • Oli de gira-sol 150 ml
  • 200 g de pastanaga ratllada

Per al glacejat
  • 100 g de mantega
  • 300 g de formatge fresc tipus Philadelphia
  • 100 g de sucre glacé
  • 1 culleradeta d'extracte de vainilla


Escalfa el forn a 180ºC (160ºC si té ventilador). Prepara un motlle
per a 12 muffins. En un bol, barreja el sucre, la farina, el bicarbonat,
la mescla d'espècies i la pela de taronja. Bat els ous i l'oli i afegeix
la mescla als ingredients secs amb la pastanaga ratllada. Reparteix la
preparació entre els motllos i enforna els pastissos durant 20-22 minuts,
fins que, si hi claves un escuradents, aquest en surti net. Refreda els
pastissos sobre una reixeta abans de glacejar-los.
Per al glacejat, bat la mantega fins que sigui tova. Després,
afegeix-hi el formatge fresc, el sucre glacé i la vainilla. Utilitza una
espàtula per glacejar a la part superior dels pastissos. Després, després
empolvora'ls per decorar-los.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Raspberry Cupcakes


This simple recipe was kindly given to me by my sister in England. My sister is not the best of cooks, she will tell you that herself, but she makes amazing raspberry cupcakes. They always rise and she even pipes different coloured frosting on top too. I keep mine simple they never rise as well as my sisters but they never last long in our house! My daughter loves to help put the raspberry's in the centre whilst eating lots! I love to buy fresh Rasberry´s but  if you cannot find any in season then frozen berries work just as well.  I always have in my freezer a bag of Frozen Berries (La Sirena) which are great to use for smoothies or crumbles. These are so quick and easy to make, when cooked the raspberry is like gooey jam in the centre (but a lot healthier) and so much more interesting than a plain magdalena. Try them and let me know what you think?

  • 150g butter
  • 150g sugar  ( I sometimes use a mixture of white and brown sugar)
  • 3 Eggs (free range)
  • 150g flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • Rasberrys 
Method Cream together with a wooden spoon the butter and sugar until the colour changes from yellow to white. The mixture should be soft and fluffy. Break the eggs, one at a time into the mixture with 1tbsp of flour - beat thoroughly. Continue until all the eggs are added. Fold in the remaining flour with the baking powder (sieve the flour) Cook for 20 mins 190 C

Frozen berries.