Sunday, October 21, 2012

Number Biscuits


can be frozen
Prep & cook time 25 min approx

I'm not a big fan of giving biscuits to children,I have never carried biscuits in my bag for snacks and I never buy biscuits. But these are a little different , it´s a nice activity to do together and beats play dough...least you can eat it.

My daughter is only four and we often make these biscuits together so she can practice numbers.  You can make any biscuit shapes, we use our number cutters, this dough makes lots of biscuits so I freeze some too. They are great for birthday parties or to make with your child's friends.  My daughter likes to play shops with them as well as eat them.

225g (8oz) self raising flour (if available) if not plain & half a packet (7g)of baking powder.
100g (4oz) sugar
100g (4oz) butter
1/2 lemon, grated rind and juice
1 large free range egg room temperature

Heat the oven to 180 C, grease 2 baking trays. Mix flour and sugar, rub in the butter. Add the lemon rind and juice and sufficient egg to make a stiff dough. Roll out the dough thinly and using your favourite cutters cut out the dough. Place on baking trays and bake for about 10 minutes. I normally lightly dust the biscuits with icing sugar once they are cooled.


  1. Faye, quina casualitat!! Diumenge també vam fer galetes amb l'Arnau. Els números són molt macos, on els has comprat?

    Segueix amb el blog que és de gran ajuda!!


    1. Raquel, compro la majoria dels meus estris de cuina online. per comandes superiors a 25GBP despeses d´enviament son gratuitas.
      Està permés a l´escola on va l´Arnau portar galetes? fomenten d´alguna manera el menjar sa?

  2. Bona idea! Compra online!
    A l'escola de l'Arnau poden portar el que vulguin per esmorzar, però hi ha un dia, els dijous que esmorzen fruita.
    Ho fan dins del projecte Treball pel col·lectiu, on pares, mares i nens preparem la fruita per a P3, P4 i P5. La veritat és que és una experiència molt maca.
    També fem les famílies ens visiten, que a P4 consisteix en anar a la classe del teu fill una tarda i cuinar alguna recepta. Nosaltres encara hem de pensar què cuinarem. Tens idees? :)
